With 84% protein from 10 premium animal sources, this delicious grain-free, protein-rich GO! SOLUTIONS
Carnivore Recipe has been specially formulated to support strong, lean muscles in meat-loving cats, with added pre and
probiotics to maintain healthy digestion and help keep your cat healthy, fit and playful. Protein requires a little extra time and energy
for the body to digest; so there are added digestive enzymes, probiotics, and prebiotic fibre to promote good digestion,
protein utilization, and nutrient availability to ensure your cat gets the most nutritional bang for your buck.
Deboned Chicken
Cage-free chicken provides essential amino acids for strong, lean muscles.
Deboned Turkey
A natural source of protein from premium-quality, cage-free turkey.
Deboned Duck
A protein source rich in omega-6 fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals.
A fibre source high in beta-carotene.
I thought you might be interested in photos of Blaine, Ch Blainefield of Gartferry. He is now 15 years old, still enjoying life, even though he has slowed down and got a bit of arthritis in his front leg. He really enjoys playing with Keilah his gg niece, I think it keeps him young.